
This is Rhizome's server for re-enacting captures from the live web.

label creator date
start end
Man With A Movie Camera: the Global Remake Perry Bard 2007
Howling Dogs Porpentine 2012
Excellences & Perfections Amalia Ulman 2014-04-19 2014-09-19
Either we inspire or we expire Liam Gillick and Nate Silver 2015
Scrollbar Composition Jan Robert Leegte
All My Life for Sale John Freyer 2001
my body — a Wunderkammer Shelley Jackson 1997
Yelp! reviews Brian Droitcour 2012-02-06 2014-07-03
V4ULT V4ULT 2014-11 2015-05
Big Data, Little Narration Dragan Espenschied 2014-10-22
keeping up appearances Mendi+Keith Obadike 2001
SQRRL John Russell 2015
Excellences & Perfections Amalia Ulman 2014-04-19 2014-09-19
queers in love at the end of the world Anna Anthropy 2013
Smiling at the Past Constant Dullaart 2015
Do you want love or lust? Claude Closky 2001
VVORK 2006-04-23 2012-12-11
My boyfriend live-tweeted the war Anna Russett 2014
I'm Google Dina Kelberman 2011
Beautiful Frog Porpentine 2015
Veteranas and Rucas Guadalupe Rosales 2015-01-23
Mi pololo volvió de Antuco Ignacio Nieto 2005
My Boyfriend Came Back From The War (Blog) Abe Linkoln 2004-12-05

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